
image: resources

This page contains links to our many Plural resources.


Dissociative Identity Disorder Awareness Day:

Plural Acceptance Week:

Resources in other languages:

Downloadable infographics:

These images may be downloaded and used for plural positive purposes without editing, cropping or altering these images in any way! They may not be used for commercial or sales purposes. Want to have these infographics in print? Contact us for possibilities. You do not have the right to print or distribute these infographics in printed format without our explicit permission. You can download these images, for example to share on social media, by right clicking the image and then click ‘save image.’ – If you need help downloading these images for your plural activism efforts, feel free to contact us and one of our volunteers will assist you. 

A poster for The Plural Association promoting plurality and raising awareness about OSDD.
Understanding loyalty in relationships with friends and loved ones, particularly in the context of OSDD and Dissociative Identity Disorder, through the perspective of Power to the Plurals.
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