Activities, services & projects:

Here you can find links and information about our various activities, services and projects!

Upcoming Events

Check out our events

In 2017 we started organizing events for Plurals! By now thousands of Plurals enjoy our annual free Plural Positivity World Conference and the many other virtual events and meetups we organize. Curious to learn more? Watch the short video:

Articles & Resources

Button: Articles and resources
Click the image to find our articles & resources

The Plural Association Private Community

We provide peer-led community support groups for DID / OSDD / Plurality & 25 other topics.
You and your System get to join our weekly moderated text chats, our monthly virtual meetups with audio or video group calls, our conferences, events & much more.

Join The Plural Association Community

''Here we bring together Plurals navigating a singular normative society to gain empowerment & support through cultivating connections, friendships and compersion 'inside & outside', developing empowering Plural practices and skills as part of a supportive community for all Plurals, no matter the label used to describe our unique and individual experiences with Multiplicity, so that we can find harmony, co-operation, co-consciousness and collaboration with our Headmates as Collective Systems, and give and receive support as we pursue our own individual paths towards a happier, empowered Collective System life.''