
The Stronghold System are the proud volunteer founders & CEO of The Plural Association Nonprofit. They are from the Netherlands and reside in a 30-something-year-old body, are nonbinary, parents of an amazing child & 3 cats. They got diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder over 10 years ago & also self ID as Plural.

A banner promoting the power of the purls com showcasing Dissociative Identity Disorder awareness.

Comprehensive resource: Why writing to communicate with alters works so great and bullet journaling in 2022 with a dissociative identity disorder System

This article is about communication with alters and bullet journaling. Communicate through writing: When you write (or type or draw) you use a thing called muscle memory. You remember what to do automatically. You bypass the critical mind, you bypass thinking.(The skill of writing, not the words you write, of course you do think about

Comprehensive resource: Why writing to communicate with alters works so great and bullet journaling in 2022 with a dissociative identity disorder System Read More »

A banner promoting the power of the purls com showcasing Dissociative Identity Disorder awareness.

Why do we use self hypnosis? And what do we NOT use it for?! Amazing plural & dissociative identity disorder resource!

This article is about self hypnosis and contains a 45 minute in dept video at the end. As you might notice we like to write about quite controversial topics. Not only because we are controversial but also because we like people to think, not just assume when we or anyone else for that matter, writes

Why do we use self hypnosis? And what do we NOT use it for?! Amazing plural & dissociative identity disorder resource! Read More »

A banner promoting the power of the purls com showcasing Dissociative Identity Disorder awareness.

The Community part 1 – Fake it till you make it

Over the next few weeks i will be writing some articles about the dissociative identity disorder community and how we can grow and progress as a community.  because i’ve been noticing some things within the DID community that make me..a bit uncomfortable. Video at the end! Community: Now first of all i’m not talking about

The Community part 1 – Fake it till you make it Read More »

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