Selected for the clinical community

A banner promoting the power of the purls com showcasing Dissociative Identity Disorder awareness.

MPD to DID 25 years later – Name calling alters, to do or not to do?

Name calling alters, to do or not to do? 25 years have passed since multiple personality disorder was reclassified as dissociative identity disorder in 1994. But not much seems to have changed when it comes down to actual help for those who live and/or suffer from the disorder. Hence this year, we will post multiple […]

MPD to DID 25 years later – Name calling alters, to do or not to do? Read More »

A banner promoting the power of the purls com showcasing Dissociative Identity Disorder awareness.

MPD to DID 25 years later – Integration & final fusion.

Want to first learn more about the difference between integration, (final) fusion, unification, blending and merging? Click here. This article is about integration and final fusion. 25 years have passed since multiple personality disorder was reclassified as dissociative identity disorder in 1994. But not much seems to have changed when it comes down to actual

MPD to DID 25 years later – Integration & final fusion. Read More »

A banner promoting the power of the purls com showcasing Dissociative Identity Disorder awareness.

Reflections on the need for training in Dissociative Disorders by Dr. M. Lloyd

Thank you Dr. Mike Lloyd for writing this wonderful article.We hope this article will inspire therapist to find the right training,to educate themselves and with that be better able to treat their patients,but also to recognize dissociative symptoms early on. This is a great article,and we feel extremely thankful Dr. Lloyd took time out of

Reflections on the need for training in Dissociative Disorders by Dr. M. Lloyd Read More »

A banner promoting the power of the purls com showcasing Dissociative Identity Disorder awareness.

Comprehensive resource: Why writing to communicate with alters works so great and bullet journaling in 2022 with a dissociative identity disorder System

This article is about communication with alters and bullet journaling. Communicate through writing: When you write (or type or draw) you use a thing called muscle memory. You remember what to do automatically. You bypass the critical mind, you bypass thinking.(The skill of writing, not the words you write, of course you do think about

Comprehensive resource: Why writing to communicate with alters works so great and bullet journaling in 2022 with a dissociative identity disorder System Read More »