This week from Monday July 15th till Sunday July 21th 2019 it’s Plural Acceptance Week. (PAW) Which includes Plural Pride Day on Saturday July 20th 2019!
This all came to be after the survey that was send to the community.
It was decided to take a floating date, as to avoid trigger dates as much as possible.

- A new video will be released each day on the Plural Event’s youtube channel!
- Memes & infographics will be released on Social Media to spread more Plural Awareness, education and ACCEPTANCE!
- There will be some live streams for you to enjoy and/or ask questions.
The full schedule can be found by clicking here.
And someone started a petition to change the ISSTD guidelines.
Hence we are wearing our socks inside out until it has reached a 1000 signatures!
You can sign the petition by clicking this text!
About the authors
The Stronghold System are the proud volunteer founders & CEO of The Plural Association Nonprofit. They are from the Netherlands and reside in a 30-something-year-old body, are nonbinary, parents of an amazing child & 3 cats. They got diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder over 10 years ago & also self ID as Plural.