On this page you can share a testimonial
about how our youtube
and/or website has helped you.
You can do this by responding
in the comment section!
Table of Contents
As you know i am a person living with DID and because i could not find help for our system, we all dedicated a lot of time reading, researching and learning about DID.
When we started our groups and saw how many people did not have a therapist, had no clue what to do, where to start, where to go – We realised that we could share everything we learned with the rest of the world even more so than before we started our channel. When we started our channel it was mostly to break stigma.
To say my name might be Kevin but i’m no k*ller, im not like the movies at all!
By now we still have more than a 100 video topics planned, because we learned we could use our channel for so much more than ”just” stigma breaking.
These testimonials are not to boost my ego. I get enough messages and comments and likes and loves and asks and positive feedback from all you lovely power systems!
What i hope this page will do, is show that it’s possible to help people with DID.
DID has been in the DSM for nearly 25 years. Sure it’s still wrongly, sadly educated as extremely rare, but its not extremely rare, its not rare at all!
I hope this page will show professionals (therapists, psychologist, psychiatrists, case workers etc) that people with DID can be helped, that it is possible to educate yourself on the topic enough to help people! (even without a background in psychiatry aperently.)
It is sad your education failed you on this topic, but please, we, those with DID beg you, to educate yourself and start treating the 1-3% of people who live and often suffer from their dissociative identity disorder.
I’m not a therapist but i can help people with DID.
You are (might be) a therapist,
so you can for sure help people with DID!
Please don’t be afraid of us.
The only people we hurt is ourselves and our alters.
Many of us want help so badly, are so motivated to get help,
and to function better and more collective as a system.
You, dear therapist, can help us with that.
Please start educating yourself if the company you work for
refuses too. In our links and resources tab you can find many,
many links. We will also write our own articles about this topic soon.
To the Power Systems:
I am and we are, so so proud of all of you who chose to say
it ends with me and to stand their ground and educate themselves
because of a lack of educations in many professionals.
we know and understand your pain.
No one helped us a child, no one is helping us now.
But we know you and we know you want to make progress
and are motivated and willing and ready and able to learn.
Please choose your words wisely. These testimonials are to show
that help is possible. I think i’ve been clear enough myself in this post
that i think its important therapist take their responsibilities.
If not for us, then for the next generation! It ends with us! <3
Power to the systems! And remember, anything chosen out of free will,
is stronger than that forced upon us! Stand your ground, stand in your truth,
be authentic and you, dear power system, will prevail!
We love you, we thank you all so much for your support!
And we wish you all, all the best!
The Plural Association NonProfit depends on community support. Please consider donating towards the empowerment of plurals, so we can continue our important work. Donations can be made here: thepluralassociation.org/donate
About the authors
The Stronghold System are the proud volunteer founders & CEO of The Plural Association Nonprofit. They are from the Netherlands and reside in a 30-something-year-old body, are nonbinary, parents of an amazing child & 3 cats. They got diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder over 10 years ago & also self ID as Plural.
- Strongholdhttps://powertotheplurals.com/author/stronghold/
- Strongholdhttps://powertotheplurals.com/author/stronghold/
- Strongholdhttps://powertotheplurals.com/author/stronghold/
- Strongholdhttps://powertotheplurals.com/author/stronghold/
Translated for Wen and Co:
Your youtube movies help me trough a difficult time without treatment. Recognition and recognizing.
Knowing that we are not alone, but that there are many more who have DID
and whom also dont know what to do anymore, out of options.
Keep up the good work. For yourself and for others.
Jullie filmpjes helpen mij een moeilijke behandel loze fase door. Herkenning en erkenning.
Wetend dat wij niet alleen zijn maar dat er heel veel meer zijn die dis hebben en net als ons geen raad meer weten.
Ga lekker zo door. Goed voor jezelf en andere
Thank you so much Wen and Co! I hoop the mental health care will do something about it!
Keep up the good work Power System!
Super bedankt Wen en co! Ik hoop dat de GGZ er wat mee zal doen!
Houdt vol Power systeem!
Your YouTube videos have helped me with practical solutions and suggestions and they are also quite inspirational. Information as well as your own experiences are shared in a clear, gentle and respectful manner, always acknowledging that each individual with DID is unique. Your videos helped and continue to help me and our alters move from a place of confusion to one where we can learn and grow.
Thank you for help and keep up the great work.
Dear Kaleidescope Power System, thank you so much for your kind message!
We’re so grateful our videos are so helpful to you and your system.
You are always welcome and you also keep up the great work!
Dear Droomster, thank you so much for your message! I also hope the mental health care will do something about this! Its unbelievable how hard it is to get any form of help for DID! Dear Power System Thank you!
Dear Droomster, heel hartelijk bedankt voor je bericht! Ook ik hoop dat de GGZ er iets mee gaat doen! Het is onbegrijpelijk hoe moeilijk het is om enige vorm van hulp te krijgen voor de DIS! Bedankt!
Each video we’ve watched we add a little more to what had been a lack of knowledge. We’re (Elizabeth) is slowly beginning to understand DID, the effects, how to manage and live with this as a community system and individually. They have given us strength when we didn’t have it and power to us who are powerless. We’re thankful as is our therapist with whom we have shared them with. Keep.up the great work, Ms Emely!!
Thank you so much Eric, Elizabeth and system! We are very proud of all the work you to together and how far you have come in an such a short time span! Power System for sure!
Your videos have been a huge help for us in learning how to respect each other, show kindness to each other, communicate. Your videos are so validating and understanding of different collectives. Many of your suggestions are so creative and inspirational, and even when every once in awhile I run across a suggestion that doesn’t work for our collective it never brings up the self hatred and shame I usually struggle with because you are so clear that they are just suggestions and that every collective and every individual within the collective is different and has different needs. Your acknowledgement that we all have to walk our own path to healing, but that we can help and learn from each other and support each other on the way has been such a hopeful, empowering and validating thing for us. We are not able to attend therapy and haven’t been able to for over a year due to still being in the process for disablity, so we are especially glad to learn ways to grow and walk our healing path witout therapy during this time. We have struggled so many years to find a therapist that is willing to work with us all in a DID friendly way and acknowledge us. It’s so hard. And now that we’ve finally found one, we can’t see them due to no income. It’s very discouraging, but at least we have some hope no matter how far out the hope is. So we feel for all the people out there still struggling to find a therapist and we hope that what you have shared here will help more trauma therapists feel willing and prepared to work with DID people. Thank you so much for all you share : )—Willow from the Raven collective
Thank you so much Willow and the Raven Collective. I’m sorry you can’t attend therapy due to finances. That is a known problem for many of us. Even if the therapy gets covered, getting there and back home safely and affordably is so difficult. I hope for the! We wish you all, all the best!
@Sarah Clark has been a driving force in the improvement of plural culture, acceptance, and forward thinking for the past two years I’ve known them.
From progressive thinking that challenges the very guidelines we are diagnosed by in the DSM 5, to creating and building the largest and safest Facebook group for all plurals called AlterNation. Sarah has opened hearts, minds, and doors to progressive thinking through numerous articles on their website, and their YouTube channel.
We are stronger, more informed, and definitely more inclusive than ever before just by knowing them.
When we were first diagnosed with DID, we began a search for knowledge about the diagnosis. I, Azi (host of our system), was terrified and could not find anything but YouTube videos that seemed mainly theatrical.
Then, we found the Power to the Plurals channel on YouTube, which led to their powertotheplurals.com website, where they have so much knowledge that they offer. I was so grateful and my system was able to begin a process of healing without fear.
Last year we had the pleasure of meeting the Stronghold System in person. They were so inspiring and passionate about helping Plurals around the world. They have changed our lives for the better. Such an amazing system!
Being plural is unlike anything.
It should be marvellous, like life itself — but like life itself, it can be scary.
Then, we turn to our peers, who understand, know, and care.
There, we belong, get empowered, and build pride.
Their support is our life’s foundation.
We built on quicksand, we stumbled, and fell.
Then we finally found community, and our whole world changed.
When we finally found community, a new chapter started,
and we thank Power to the Plurals for its title:
Together we are stronger.