A paper with a yellow arrow in the middle, representing The Plural Association and Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID).

The biggest collaborative Trans Plural Livestream

For Plural Acceptance Week 2021 we organized the biggest ever Trans Plural livestream to amplify the voices of Trans Plurals and their lived experiences.

Unfortunately YouTube removed this video without giving a reason, so to allow this to empower more Plurals, for #TransAwarenessWeek we have decided to re-upload the video to our power to the plurals website instead.

We couldn’t have created this panel video without the amazing Systems that participated, a big thank you to all of them!

– Blue System
– The Loyal Polyplex
The Alexandrite System 
– The Timeless Collective
the Redwoods 
The Stronghold System

”Plural people need treatment and assessments just as any patient would. They also may need access to gender-affirming treatments.” Eric Yarbrough, Transgender Mental Health, published by the American Psychiatric Association in 2018.

If you want to learn more about Transgender Plurals we highly recommend the book Transgender Mental Health, by Eric Yarbrough.

Screenshot of page 162 of the book ''Transgender Mental Health'' by Eric Yarbrough, published by the American Psychiatric Association in 2018. The sentence ''Plural people need treatment and assessments just as any patient would. They also may need access to gender-affirming treatments.'' is highlighted.

As always, we encourage you and your System to follow your own truth, to soul search, to find words, labels, visions, theories and communities that aren’t only within your values but also match your lived experience and/or long term goals, so that you might find belonging and don’t have to try to fit in.

Thank you for investing the time to watch this video!

Image: Join The Plural Association Community for an empowering experience for Plurals
Join The Plural Association Private Community

We provide a private community experience for Plurals, that includes 25+ support groups, a weekly group text chat, monthly virtual meetups, courses for Plurals and much more.

Our community is for all Plurals, no matter the labels they use. We provide specific support groups for Transgender Plurals and those questioning or discovering their gender(s)!

The Plural Association is the first and only grassroots, volunteer and peer-led nonprofit empowering Plurals. Our works, including resources like this, are only possible because of support from Plurals and our allies. 

If you found this article helpful, please consider making a donation.

Together we empower more Plurals!

About the authors

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The Stronghold System are the proud volunteer founders & CEO of The Plural Association Nonprofit. They are from the Netherlands and reside in a 30-something-year-old body, are nonbinary, parents of an amazing child & 3 cats. They got diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder over 10 years ago & also self ID as Plural.

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