Plural pride day july 18 2020

10 things to do on Plural Pride

Join the live stream to celebrate Plural Pride with us and other systems at 6PM EDT on Saturday July 18th. 

Plural pride day july 18 2020

Thank you Rings System for this beautiful poster! We’re Stronger Together! 

1. Support the Plural Association Nonprofit

This empowerment and resource website is a part of The Plural Association. TPA is the first grassroots, registered nonprofit for Dissociative Identity Disorder and all other forms of Plurality. Our nonprofit has 50 registered volunteers and supports nearly 3000 Plurals on a daily basis. TPA depends fully on a community and ally support and does not receive grants or other government support. Currently we are fundraising to build a Plural Support WarmLine Platform, where Plurals and their headmates can share their stories and worries with lived experienced, trained Plurals. We truly believe this community supported and funded project can help new systems so much, we believe it will support Many. Plural Pride Day is the perfect day to make a donation. We thank you for your support.

2. Spread awareness online 

Let’s get the #PluralPrideDay trending together!
By retweeting, reblogging, liking, sharing and commenting on posts & spreading awareness.

If needed make a second (or third lol) account to protect your identity if needed. Via @thepluralassociation and @did_system on twitter we will provide a continuous stream of new infographics, meme’s and pictures throughout the day for you to love and share. Please feel free to also create your own! Or look back for your favorites and reshare/reupload them! The facebook pages @powertotheplurals and @thepluralassociation will also upload throughout the day!

3. Meet up 

Meet up with your Plural friends (wear a mask) or if you join any sort of support group, talk with the group facilitator about the possibilities of highlighting Plurality on Plural Pride Day and see our suggestions in the ”10 things support groups can do during Plural Events”

4. Make Pride and Awareness Posters

and/or flyers, digitally or on paper, to give to your friends, loved ones and allies or to put in your therapist office, ask permission.

5. Join some new online Plural communities 

(on Facebook, Discord or Tumblr/Reddit, for example) and talk about Plurality and Plural Pride Day in those communities. Join AlterNation on Facebook.

6. Create a blog post, video, podcast, art &c. 

to spread awareness and celebrate Plural Pride Day. 

7. Reach out

It’s also a perfect day to reach out to non-co-aware others on the inside and/or to give other headmates time outside, for example to do their favorite activity or to create & share their own pride posts.

8. Youtube

Don’t forget to share a few of your favorite Plural related youtube videos, articles, podcasts, &c. as well either with Plural friends and/or online!

9. Conference

Watch and share the FREE & ONLINE Plural Positivity World Conference

10. Volunteer 

find someone new to share something that works for you& or offer to help a content creator in the community with correcting transcripts or making more of our community materials accessible, or comment on some old blog posts that need to be updated or boosted.

Looking for more things to do with your Plural/DID/Trauma/Mental Health support group? Click!

As always, we encourage you and your System to follow your own truth, to soul search, to find words, labels, visions, theories and communities that aren’t only within your values but also match your lived experience and/or long term goals, so that you might find belonging and don’t have to try to fit in.

Thank you for investing the time to read this article. Please, feel free to leave comments or feedback in the comment section.

The Plural Association is the first and only grassroots, volunteer and peer-led nonprofit empowering Plurals. Our works, including resources like this, are only possible because of support from Plurals and our allies. 

If you found this article helpful, please consider making a donation.

Together we empower more Plurals!

Disclaimer: Thank you for reading our peer article; we hope it was empowering, informative and helpful for you and your System. There are as many Plural experiences, as there are Plurals. So not all information on this website might apply to your situation or be helpful to you; please, use caution. We’re not doctors or clinicians and our nonprofit, our work, and this website in no way provide medical advice, nor does it replace therapy or medication in other ways.

About the authors

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The Stronghold System are the proud volunteer founders & CEO of The Plural Association Nonprofit. They are from the Netherlands and reside in a 30-something-year-old body, are nonbinary, parents of an amazing child & 3 cats. They got diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder over 10 years ago & also self ID as Plural.

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