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Support Group Edition – 10 things to do on DID Awareness Day March 5th & Plural Events


”Here in Australia, down in Melbourne we have formed our own independent, Plural safe space called ‘Echoes’ that has been running for almost 10 years based out of Brunswick. For, by and about people multiplicity, dissociation and amnesia. It is for anyone who is seeking support for experiences of any kind of dissociation and/or multiplicity. Clinical diagnosis is not a requirement. All DI groups have at least one facilitator who is a peer worker, that is, has a personal lived experience of dissociation or multiplicity. We can help rural or housebound members attend a group via skype. We meet every fortnight and share how we are going with life, question/concerns that we wish bring. We share resources that are available within the city of Melbourne that could assist other members and our experiences of using those services. Some of us are new member, others who have been around for years. Some are strong advocates trying to make an impact and educate their community or even workplace/university while other are just learning how to get by and navigate in a world that doesn’t seem to yet understand them. We follow group values set up by the group and reviewed and spoken at the beginning of every meeting including non-disclosure and respect. We meet every fortnightly have a mix of ages, genders and plurals, non-plurals and support people.
More information about Echoes can be found here (click)
Our group(s) will for sure spread DID awareness on March 5th & celebrate the other events by using the tips & ideas provided by Plural Events!”
– Puddles System, Australia

10 things support groups can do during Plural Events:

1 Create a Plural posters/postcards/poems &c. together as a support group.

2 Share your Plural coming out story with the support group.

3 Answer questions by non Plural folks.

4 Watch a Plural video or live stream together with the support group.

5 Listen to a plural podcast episode together & discuss with the support group.

6 Write each other positive messages about internal relationships in a special notebook.

7 Bring in your system diagrams or headmaps to the support group, to do show & tell.

8 Color, paint, make collages, or otherwise decorate &’s or make a (support) group & flag.

9 Share readings and descriptions of other types of plurality and discuss inclusivity and respect.

10 Challenge the media on their representation of DID.

Looking for ideas to spread awareness by yourselves? Click!

The Plural Association NonProfit depends on community support. Please consider donating towards the empowerment of plurals, so we can continue our important work. Donations can be made here: thepluralassociation.org/donate

About the authors

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The Stronghold System are the proud volunteer founders & CEO of The Plural Association Nonprofit. They are from the Netherlands and reside in a 30-something-year-old body, are nonbinary, parents of an amazing child & 3 cats. They got diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder over 10 years ago & also self ID as Plural.

3 thoughts on “Support Group Edition – 10 things to do on DID Awareness Day March 5th & Plural Events”

  1. Pingback: 10 things to do on DID Awareness Day March 5th – Power to the Plurals

  2. Pingback: FAQ resource about Plurality – Power to the Plurals

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