Table of Contents
How Do I Know If I Am Plural?
The word Plural may be replaced with Multiple, Endogenic, DID/OSDD or any other form of Multiplicity under the Plural umbrella, or word or label you use to describe your unique experience of Manyness, being Many individuals within a single body.
These are not criteria you need to meet to be Plural. Just a tool to help you discover, and not all these points might apply to you or Plurals you know.
Just as there is no right terminology, there is also no single ‘right’ way for people to figure out that they are Plural.
However, certain things may indicate a Plural identity:
- When you perceive, feel or hear the distinct voices or presence of separate, conscious entities, these are often referred to as Systemmates or Headmates. Other terms used by the Plural community include beings, selves, parts, alters, entities, spirits, or members. For some people, fragments or parts can collectively form one person, as seen in some OSDD and Median Systems.
- In the case of Dissociative Identity Disorder, as explained in the DSM-5, these different ‘parts of the personality’ make up 1 person with 1 personality. Many (but definitely not all) Plurals identify as sentient individual entities, and they make up a System together. They use various words to describe their Plurality, their Headmates, and their Plural experiences. They identify themselves as Traumagenic or Adaptive Systems, as mixed origin Sytems or use the umbrella term Plural or any of the 350+ labels that fall under it. (PS. the umbrella does include DID and OSDD too! Everymany who is more than one, is welcome to use the Plural community label to self identify with!)
- Many, but not all, Plurals experience that those Systemmate people aren’t just voices they hear, but those Systemmate can talk together and can speak out loud and can front: ‘use the body.’ – When you share your body with systemmates who take over or you suspect they do.
- Other Plurals experience that those Systemmate people can influence their behavior or those Systemmates together form the person(s) ‘using the body.’ – When you share your headspace with other Systemmates but they don’t front.
- Some people experience their emotions as people, parts or Headmates. Some people experience themselves as different parts, facets or ages of the same person and some of them use Median as a label.
- When you find letters, notes or journal entries you didn’t write. And/or when you have distinct different handwriting at different times.
- When you don’t identify with being referred to by your birth name, as you know that is someone else in your body or that person actually does not exist at all and is just a mask.
- When you experience out of the ordinary forgetting, sometimes called, losing time, by that we mean not remembering what you did yesterday, not remembering why you were going to the kitchen, not remembering childhood, or not remembering personal information like your current phone number. Not everyone experiences out of the ordinary forgetting (amnesia) and total blackouts for the current day time are possible, but rare.
- When you experience clinical distress because of hearing voices, losing time, or other Systemmates are doing things you don’t agree with or that scare you. Not everyone experiences clinical distress.
- When you have distinct spiritual experiences that can be explained in part or in full as Multiplicity.
- When you discover fictional or factional people you write about or talk with, are in the same body as you are in.
- If you think, read, dream, envision or fantasize a lot that you are Plural or what it would be like, you might want to check if you are actually fantasizing or if these people might actually already exist within you.
- Denial is often something Plurals experience and should not really be used as an indication if you are or are not Plural. People who fake Plurality know they are faking because they planned it and have a clear end goal in mind.
- We feel that it’s worth to note that in our work we see that there seems to be a large overlap between trans and Plural identities.
- We feel that it’s worth to note that in our work we see that there seems to be a large overlap between Autistic people and Plurality.
Text continues below!

New to Plurality? Read this article next!

A free self discovery tool!

An explanation about OSDD-1A and OSDD-1B.

If I am not sure if I'm Plural, what do I do?
- Write a letter in your journal and ask if other people in you want to write back so you can get to know each other. Some Plurals like to include information about their current day life in this letter, to ensure other Systemmates they are currently safe, as some people have the experience to establish contact more easily that way.
- You can talk with your GP (General Practitioner) a therapist, counselor or you can call the Plural warmline. (Once it opens.)
- If you expect to have a traumagenic or disordered form of Plurality, it can be useful to visit a licensed therapist who is trauma informed and Plural friendly. They can help you discover if you are Plural and if necessary for insurance purposes, they could diagnose you with one of the dissociative disorders.
- You can have the therapist work together or alongside a Plural peer support worker. Or if the waiting list is long or therapy is inaccessible for other reasons, finding a Plural peer support worker is also a great option to help discover and work through the doubt and denial that is often part of the Plural experience.
- If you expect to be Plural for other reasons, you can also work with a Plural peer support worker. They can help you on your discovery path.
- You can join a community group like The Plural Association All Inclusive Community, and share your thoughts with other Plurals and ask your questions.
I think I am Plural, what now?
- Establish communication with the other Systemmates.
- Express your Systemhood (being a system) in a way that feels most comfortable to all of you. Some people present their Plurality overtly and other people prefer to stay more hidden and covert. Some people have no or not much choice in this and that is okay too.
- Join a webinar (once they start) by The Plural Association for new Plurals or another topic that seems useful for you all.
- Know it’s okay to use the language you& want to, to express and explain your Plurality.
- If you like you can make or find ‘faceclaims’ of Systemmates. (pictures of the people your Systemmates look like in the innerworld or your minds-eye.)
- If you haven’t yet, you can join AlterNation by The Plural Association – our free Facebook group.
- Looking for Community, training, education, moderated virtual meetups, moderated group chats, private and public Plural events, cultivation of Plural friendships, a private social media network just for Plurals? Join The Plural Association All-Inclusive Community.

- Visit one of the other (online) activities, events or services by The Plural Association for Plurals.
- If you like you can find a system name together, but it is not needed to be Plural.
- Not all Systemmates have their own names and that is okay. However, it is important to remember that you are individually entitled to use whatever name(s) and pronoun(s) you all feel comfortable with.
- Being Plural is not rare and it’s perfectly okay to be and live a Plural life. Only you and your Systemmates can decide if you are Plural and how you label that experience. It’s okay to change your labels whenever you want to, and individual Headmates can use individual labels, if they’d like to do so.
- If you expect to have a traumagenic or disordered form of Plurality, it can be useful to visit a licensed therapist who is trauma informed and Plural friendly.
- You can have the therapist work together or alongside a Plural peer support worker. Or if the waiting list is long or therapy is inaccessible for other reasons, finding a Plural peer support worker is also a great option.
- If you expect to be Plural for other reasons, you can also work with a Plural peer support worker. They can help you facilitate group conversations and give you their tips and tricks to work together as a System.
- Know it’s truly okay to be Plural and there is a rich community ready to support you all. It does not automatically mean you are disordered and living a great life together is very much possible, whether your Plurality is currently disordered or not. Al though it’s hard to find a good, Plural friendly and affordable therapist, they are out there, don’t give up hope.

Disclaimer: we are not doctors, we cannot diagnose you, this article cannot diagnose you. That being said, Plurality is not diagnose-able, because it is not a disorder in itself. It can be disordered and that is often called Dissociative Identity Disorder or OSDD, if you need a diagnosis for insurance purposes, please speak with your licensed therapist. No one has to give you permission to be Plural or to use the label if you feel it fits. All rights reserved.
As always, we encourage you and your System to follow your own truth, to soul search, to find words, labels, visions, theories and communities that aren’t only within your values but also match your lived experience and/or long term goals, so that you might find belonging and don’t have to try to fit in.
Thank you for investing the time to read this article. Please, feel free to leave comments or feedback in the comment section.
![‘’We mask [our Plurality] to fit in, we take the mask off to find belonging.’’ The Stronghold System](
The Plural Association is the first and only grassroots, volunteer and peer-led nonprofit empowering Plurals. Our works, including resources like this, are only possible because of support from Plurals and our allies.
If you found this article helpful, please consider making a donation.
Together we empower more Plurals!
Disclaimer: Thank you for reading our peer article; we hope it was empowering, informative and helpful for you and your System. There are as many Plural experiences, as there are Plurals. So not all information on this website might apply to your situation or be helpful to you; please, use caution. We’re not doctors or clinicians and our nonprofit, our work, and this website in no way provide medical advice, nor does it replace therapy or medication in other ways.
About the authors
The Stronghold System are the proud volunteer founders & CEO of The Plural Association Nonprofit. They are from the Netherlands and reside in a 30-something-year-old body, are nonbinary, parents of an amazing child & 3 cats. They got diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder over 10 years ago & also self ID as Plural.
- Stronghold
- Stronghold
- Stronghold
- Stronghold
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This site looks like an awesome resources and I am very happy to see it is out there to support and educate both those who are or might just be coming to realize that they might be Plural, but those of us who have Plural friends, family, or acquaintances and don’t really understand their lived experiences.
While I am pretty sure at this point that I am not Plural (especially after perusing this page!), I have always found it fascinating and have enjoyed getting to know the few Systems and other out Plurals I have encountered.
I wish you all the luck and success in this endeavor!
Thank you so much!