On this page you find all our free videos, resources and articles!
Use the search bar above or scroll down to find the topic(s) you are interested in.
Table of Contents
- The Plural Bill of Rights
- 10 free resources for new and questioning Systems
- Basic Plural Terminology Infographic
- Welcome To Plurality – Have A Look Around
- Support your Plural loved ones better with the FREE Allies of Plurals magazine
- How allies can help Plurals, including supporting those with DID/OSDD
- The Plural Spectrum Tool
- Warmline Survey Results
- All about Other Specified Dissociative Disorder (OSDD) – an explanation about OSDD-1A & OSDD-1B
- How do I know if I’m Plural?
- World Mental Health Day 2019 – How many people have Dissociative Identity Disorder? & FREE infographics!
- FAQ resource about Plurality
- Best practice resource for RA Survivors in DID & Plural safe spaces
- In need of some Plural Life Hacks? You find them here!
- Get to really know your alters with this easy list! – Free amazing resource!
10 free resources for new & questioning Systems
Maybe you are wondering am I plural? Is what I experience part of the Plural umbrella? Or maybe you already know for sure, but you have no idea where to start.
Hence, we have created this list with the top 10 resources for new & questioning Systems!
Resources in other languages:
- Узнайте своих альтеров поближе с этим списком вопросов! – Замечательные бесплатные материалы!
- Für dissoziativer Identitätsstörung – FREIE tolle ressource “Lerne dein System mit dieser Liste besser kennen!”
- Trastorno de Identidad Disociativa: ¡Conoce mejor a tus Alters con esta lista sencilla! – increíble recurso gratuito en español
- Trouble de l’identité dissociatif – Apprenez à mieux connaître vos alters grâce à cette liste très simple en Français! Incroyable ressource gratuite!
- Dissociatieve identiteitsstoornis: Leer je alters better kennen, met deze handige invullijst in het Nederlands! Een fantastisch gratis handvat!
The Plural Association Nonprofit:
Educational articles on Dissociative Identity Disorder & OSDD:
- An Explanation and History of the Ableist Term ‘’Imitated DID’’
- How they took the Multiple out of Multiplicity – Understanding the history of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) Terminology
- OSDD 101 by The Alexandrite System
- 10 free resources for new and questioning Systems
- Basic Plural Terminology Infographic
- Who are your Headmates – Recognizing your Plurality
- When our Plurality outlasts our Dissociative Identity Disorder
- Pluralizing VS Splitting off in Dissociative Identity Disorder / OSDD
- Why we hope you DON’T fit in to this community
- What is the difference between integration, (final) fusion, unification, blending and merging?
- How allies can help Plurals, including supporting those with DID/OSDD
- Review of the study: Unusual experiences and their association with metacognition: investigating ASMR and Tulpamancy
- Plurality vs Plural experiences
- 10 reasons why amnesia shouldn’t be a diagnostic criterion for DID in the DSM
- Plurals, learn more about mixed origin Systems & Headmates!
The Plural Association Private Community
An empowering online private community experience for Plurals!
We provide community support groups for DID/OSDD/Plurality & 25 other topics. You and your System get to join our weekly moderated text chats, monthly virtual meetups with audio or video group calls, our conferences, events and much more.
On Plurality:
- The Plural Bill of Rights
- Basic Plural Terminology Infographic
- When our Plurality outlasts our Dissociative Identity Disorder
- Pluralizing VS Splitting off in Dissociative Identity Disorder / OSDD
- Plurality vs Plural experiences
- The Plural Spectrum Tool
- Plurals, learn more about mixed origin Systems & Headmates!
- How do I know if I’m Plural?
- Personhood: Are you more than 1 person? You might actually be Plural! Discover the truth in this amazing article.
- Factitious disorder & MPD & DID – Why non disordered Plurals do not have factitious disorder
- FAQ resource about Plurality
- Origin of Endogenic System and Traumagenic System Terminology. Fantastic guest post by the wonderful Lunastus Collective.
Dissociative Identity Disorder 101:
- My Journey with Dissociative Identity Disorder: An Examination of Personal Development and Plural Philosophy
- Welcome To Plurality – Have A Look Around
- How allies can help Plurals, including supporting those with DID/OSDD
- Warmline Survey Results
- World Mental Health Day 2019 – How many people have Dissociative Identity Disorder? & FREE infographics!
- Factitious disorder & MPD & DID – Why non disordered Plurals do not have factitious disorder
- Happening right now: Kicking off Plural Acceptance Week 2019!
- 10 things to do on DID Awareness Day March 5th
- Amnesia and timeloss #DID101
- MPD to DID 25 years later – Name calling alters, to do or not to do?
- MPD to DID 25 years later – Integration & final fusion.
- 2019 – From surviving to living with dissociative identity disorder
- Innerworlds & mindscapes in Plurality & dissociative identity disorder #DID101
- Co-consciousness and co-fronting – an interesting article! #DID101
- #DID101 Switching in Dissociative Identity Disorder.
OSDD - Other Specified Dissociative Disorder:
- Welcome To Plurality – Have A Look Around
- How allies can help Plurals, including supporting those with DID/OSDD
- The Plural Spectrum Tool
- Warmline Survey Results
- All about Other Specified Dissociative Disorder (OSDD) – an explanation about OSDD-1A & OSDD-1B
- Personhood: Are you more than 1 person? You might actually be Plural! Discover the truth in this amazing article.
- Diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder – Our life before & after.
- Get to really know your alters with this easy list! – Free amazing resource!
- Happening right now: Kicking off Plural Acceptance Week 2019!
- Amnesia and timeloss #DID101
- Fragments #DID101
- MPD to DID 25 years later – Integration & final fusion.
- 2019 – From surviving to living with dissociative identity disorder
- #DID101 – DID vs OSDD
- What is the difference between integration, (final) fusion, unification, blending and merging?
- Functional Multiplicity vs Integration: 12.8% times two – Our strong response to the six-year follow-up TOP DD study.
- Integration, the double edge sword:‘’If it’s not broken, don’t fix it!’’
- MPD to DID 25 years later – Integration & final fusion.
- What is integration in dissociative identity disorder?
Self hypnosis and innerworld:
- Innerworlds & mindscapes in Plurality & dissociative identity disorder #DID101
- TW: What is Programming 101 in Dissociative Identity Disorder – Part 1
- TW: What is Deprogramming yourself 101 in Dissociative Identity Disorder – Part 2
- Why do we use self hypnosis? And what do we NOT use it for?! Amazing plural & dissociative identity disorder resource!
On love and relationships:
Poems, songs & other art:
Selected for the clinical community:
- An Explanation and History of the Ableist Term ‘’Imitated DID’’
- How they took the Multiple out of Multiplicity – Understanding the history of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) Terminology
- OSDD 101 by The Alexandrite System
- 10 free resources for new and questioning Systems
- Basic Plural Terminology Infographic
- Support your Plural loved ones better with the FREE Allies of Plurals magazine
- Pluralizing VS Splitting off in Dissociative Identity Disorder / OSDD
- What is the difference between integration, (final) fusion, unification, blending and merging?
- How allies can help Plurals, including supporting those with DID/OSDD
- The Plural Spectrum Tool
- ”How do we set rules for our Headmates and System?”
- All about Other Specified Dissociative Disorder (OSDD) – an explanation about OSDD-1A & OSDD-1B
- Factitious disorder & MPD & DID – Why non disordered Plurals do not have factitious disorder
- FAQ resource about Plurality
- Functional Multiplicity vs Integration: 12.8% times two – Our strong response to the six-year follow-up TOP DD study.
Selected for allies:
DID Awareness Day - March 5th
- Harvard Blames TikTok for DID Self-Diagnosis—Yet Their Own Study Shows Psychiatrists Misdiagnose It 93% of the Time.
- Support Group Edition – 10 things to do on DID Awareness Day March 5th & Plural Events
- 10 things to do on DID Awareness Day March 5th
- FREE Poster for Dissociative Identity Disorder Awareness Day
Plural Acceptance Week and Plural Pride Third week of July
Request an article @ Power to the Plurals
Have a question, topic or idea? Please let us know by filling out our form!
Support our work
I’ve you have learned anything from our work, please consider making a donation to
The Plural Association Grassroots Nonprofit.
The volunteers of The Plural Association Grassroots nonprofit together provide over 100,000 community interactions each year,
have educated over 225,000 people and provide events for thousands of Plurals!
We empower and support Plurals. Will you support our work? Together we empower more Plurals!
Feel free to share the above images with Plurals and allies! Right click any of the above images, click open in new tab, from there right click the image and click save as.
Need alt text for those images? To download our PDF version for free, please click the following text: PDF Plurality infographic
Archive per year:
Archive per year 2024
Archive per year 2023
- TPA’s Dedication to Continuous Improvement: A Reflective Statement
- An Explanation and History of the Ableist Term ‘’Imitated DID’’
- My Journey with Dissociative Identity Disorder: An Examination of Personal Development and Plural Philosophy
- Celebrating Plural Pride Day: The Story Behind Our Ampersand Caterpillar Stickers by K CO
- Why we made the recent change in our ticket pricing system and what it means for you & your System
- Join the ”Petals of a Rose” film screening + live Q&A at PPWC23
- How they took the Multiple out of Multiplicity – Understanding the history of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) Terminology
- Join the Plural Movement: PPWC 2023’s Celebration of Community Empowerment
Archive per year 2022
- OSDD 101 by The Alexandrite System
- The biggest collaborative Trans Plural Livestream
- The Plural Bill of Rights
- 10 free resources for new and questioning Systems
- Persecutors VS Protectors
- Basic Plural Terminology Infographic
- Who are your Headmates – Recognizing your Plurality
- Welcome To Plurality – Have A Look Around
- Support your Plural loved ones better with the FREE Allies of Plurals magazine
- When our Plurality outlasts our Dissociative Identity Disorder
- Pluralizing VS Splitting off in Dissociative Identity Disorder / OSDD
Archive per year 2021
- Why we hope you DON’T fit in to this community
- What is the difference between integration, (final) fusion, unification, blending and merging?
- How allies can help Plurals, including supporting those with DID/OSDD
- Review of the study: Unusual experiences and their association with metacognition: investigating ASMR and Tulpamancy
- Plurality vs Plural experiences
- The Plural Spectrum Tool
- Warmline Survey Results
- 10 reasons why amnesia shouldn’t be a diagnostic criterion for DID in the DSM
- Plurals, learn more about mixed origin Systems & Headmates!
- ”How do we set rules for our Headmates and System?”
Archive per year 2020
- Узнайте своих альтеров поближе с этим списком вопросов! – Замечательные бесплатные материалы!
- All about Other Specified Dissociative Disorder (OSDD) – an explanation about OSDD-1A & OSDD-1B
- How do I know if I’m Plural?
- 10 things to do on Plural Pride
- Personhood: Are you more than 1 person? You might actually be Plural! Discover the truth in this amazing article.
- Nonprofit The Plural Association is now an amazing reality!
Archive per year 2019
- Für dissoziativer Identitätsstörung – FREIE tolle ressource “Lerne dein System mit dieser Liste besser kennen!”
- Diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder – Our life before & after.
- World Mental Health Day 2019 – How many people have Dissociative Identity Disorder? & FREE infographics!
- Factitious disorder & MPD & DID – Why non disordered Plurals do not have factitious disorder
- FAQ resource about Plurality
- Best practice resource for RA Survivors in DID & Plural safe spaces
- Functional Multiplicity vs Integration: 12.8% times two – Our strong response to the six-year follow-up TOP DD study.
- On Plural activism, advocacy & feedback:
- Integration, the double edge sword:‘’If it’s not broken, don’t fix it!’’
- Plurality & cheating in romantic relationships – by the amazing Angel
- Trastorno de Identidad Disociativa: ¡Conoce mejor a tus Alters con esta lista sencilla! – increíble recurso gratuito en español
- From jealousy to compersion within Plurality – Brought to you by the delightful Emely!
- Trouble de l’identité dissociatif – Apprenez à mieux connaître vos alters grâce à cette liste très simple en Français! Incroyable ressource gratuite!
- Dissociatieve identiteitsstoornis: Leer je alters better kennen, met deze handige invullijst in het Nederlands! Een fantastisch gratis handvat!
- In need of some Plural Life Hacks? You find them here!
- Hiding – A poem about being Plural in a singular normative world
- Get to really know your alters with this easy list! – Free amazing resource!
- Why the theory of Structural dissociation is ableist – A strong opinionated article.
- FREE Infographics for you to share during Plural Acceptance Week 2019!
- Happening right now: Kicking off Plural Acceptance Week 2019!
- A Recovery Bill of Rights For Survivors
- Growing in your Plural Pride – Part 1
- Can Alters die & What is dormancy in Dissociative Identity Disorder
- Become a Collective DID System with these 5 easy steps!
- 10 things about Dissociative Identity Disorder that i wish i had known 10 years ago!
- The 7 Differences between Hearing Voices in Schizophrenia & Dissociative Identity Disorder
- Origin of Endogenic System and Traumagenic System Terminology. Fantastic guest post by the wonderful Lunastus Collective.
- Join us ONLINE & for FREE at the Plural Positivity World Conference 2019 – ! This weekend !
- Support Group Edition – 10 things to do on DID Awareness Day March 5th & Plural Events
- 10 things to do on DID Awareness Day March 5th
- FREE Poster for Dissociative Identity Disorder Awareness Day
- Amnesia and timeloss #DID101
- Someone with DID reviews the new Glass movie
- Fragments #DID101
- MPD to DID 25 years later – Name calling alters, to do or not to do?
- MPD to DID 25 years later – Integration & final fusion.
- 2019 – From surviving to living with dissociative identity disorder
Archive per year 2018
- Depersonalization and derealization #DID101
- Innerworlds & mindscapes in Plurality & dissociative identity disorder #DID101
- Co-consciousness and co-fronting – an interesting article! #DID101
- #DID101 Switching in Dissociative Identity Disorder.
- #DID101 – DID vs OSDD
- What is integration in dissociative identity disorder?
- How to: from crisis to safety Plan for Dissociative identity disorder
- TW: What is Programming 101 in Dissociative Identity Disorder – Part 1
- TW: What is Deprogramming yourself 101 in Dissociative Identity Disorder – Part 2
- Reflections on the need for training in Dissociative Disorders by Dr. M. Lloyd
- Non human alters / animal alters in dissociative identity disorder, not as rare as you might think! We asked 200 plurals!
- Inspiring Plural Quotes by Power to the Plurals
- Inspiring Testimonials
- Comprehensive resource: Why writing to communicate with alters works so great and bullet journaling in 2022 with a dissociative identity disorder System
- Why do we use self hypnosis? And what do we NOT use it for?! Amazing plural & dissociative identity disorder resource!
- The Community part 1 – Fake it till you make it
Please consider supporting our important work, so that we can create more of these resources and articles, for you and your System.
Thank you so much for your support!